
Fremont Christian School is committed to excellence in academic achievement and quality instruction. 我们相信个性发展的重要性, 公民身份, 和基督徒的生活方式同样重要. 我们希望给每个学生灌输道德力量, 精神上的见解, and academic integrity to live his or her life as a responsible citizen and effective Christian.



反馈 & 奖状


我的两个女儿从学前班开始就得到了FCS的祝福, 他们在哪里建立了良好的基础和对学习的热爱, 玩, 和友谊. 现在是三年级和七年级, both my daughters are challenged to be their best 在学业上 in a supportive environment. 无论是在网上还是面对面, their teachers partner with us as parents to ensure our children get the high-quality education they need. They manage all this while nurturing their social-emotional development and understanding of who they are in God’s family. 我们很自豪地称这个社区为我们的学习“家”.作为家长, I have been very blessed to be welcomed to share our culture with their classes and provide ideas to grow diversity in the school at large. 

FCS的老师、校长和员工都很棒. 孩子们第一天上学的时候, 我们立刻觉得他们会得到很好的照顾, 这是我们在他们以前的学校没有信心的. The careful organization and seamless process to get the kids safely on and off campus puts our minds at ease. 老师们在沟通方面做得很好. 我的孩子们很快就喜欢上了他们的新学校,并期待着每周去教堂做礼拜. We appreciate and love our new FCS home and are so glad we transferred our kids here. 

Enrolling our daughter at Fremont Christian School has been an incredibly rewarding decision. 老师们真诚的关心和支持, 管理员, 员工培养学术卓越和精神成长. Values like love, kindness, and empathy are instilled daily, shaping her character.

FCS的影响是不可否认的. 凯莉的根基植根于信仰和品格, 她正在为人生的目标和成就做准备. 我们非常感激.

Sending my three-year-old son to this preschool is the best decision I've ever made. 在我参观了弗里蒙特的几所幼儿园之后, 最后我选择了FCS, 不仅因为我的朋友强烈推荐它, but also because of the school's philosophy and that the teachers are so kind and devoted!

我的儿子早产了. I am always worried and concerned about his first experience in an unfamiliar environment. 我需要找一所安全的幼儿园,有道德高尚的老师, 友好的同学, 令人满意的师生比例, 健康的热午餐, and sufficient nap and outdoor 玩 time for kids to develop their physical agility skills.

我很高兴我找到了! 每天当我去接儿子的时候,他总是微笑着向我挥手. He is even reluctant to go home because there he has so much fun with the other classmates. His teachers are passionate and have knowledgeable experience dealing with new kids. 在我儿子最初为分离而焦虑的几天里,他们安慰了他, 同时告诉我他的最新动向. It took him only about three days to get used to school without tears — a much shorter adjustment time than I’d expected! 

在我们的家庭里,我们证明我们的信仰和爱是我们存在的核心. When we found FCS, we knew our children would be able to grow spiritually and 在学业上. Having our children surrounded by God's teachings and learning the ways of serving the community really builds a solid foundation of their soul. FCS老师是我的孩子富有同情心的一个主要例子, 深思熟虑的, 全面发展的人.



We are so grateful to Fremont Christian School and their team for helping with our daughter’s continued spiritual development and walk with Christ. 她在学术上继续成长和繁荣. 在这些充满挑战的时刻, we’ve recognized how responsible and independent Chloe has become throughout her years at FCS, 尤其是现在. Our daughter has grown tremendous confidence socially among her classmates and is truly thriving in the midst of the new normal. We’re impressed by the teachers and the Fremont Christian staff for their efforts of managing 学生 both on campus and virtually.


能让我们的孩子在十大博彩公司上学,我们感到非常幸运. 当时我们正在为我们刚上大一的儿子找学校, we were looking for a Christ-centered school that would continue to build upon the values he had learned at his previous school. 当我们选择FCS时,我们发现了更多的东西. 老师们很关心, 富有同情心的, 勤劳的, 尊重学生和他们独特的学习方式. 现在, 我们的两个孩子都在FCS上高中, 我们继续看到他们的信心在增长, 独立, 他们与基督同行. Our children were warmly welcomed by their peers when they each started ninth grade at FCS. Our family has been blessed to form wonderful friendships with other school families through 体育 and other events as well.

Jaxen大一的日子一天天过去, 我越来越相信Fremont Christian是他唯一的学校. Jaxen从申请的那一刻起就感到很受欢迎. 从他对Dr. 迈耶, 到走进办公室挑选制服, 或者通过各种电子邮件交流, 每一次互动都建立了我们对FCS的信任. 在青少年时期,让学生被看到和了解是非常重要的, and Fremont Christian has conveyed by their actions that they see and know my son.

在新学年开始之前,Jaxen就有了归属感. The boys' soccer team was his first opportunity to interact with classmates and coaches/teachers. 利斯顿教练. 雷耶斯, and the entire team welcomed Jaxen and made him feel like a valued member of the team, 让杰克森相信自己是个战士.

这种归属感超越了足球场, 因为整个学生社区都非常欢迎我. 在秋季组织良好的新生迎新会上, 所有年级的老师和学生都在那里迎接他, 回答问题, 带他四处看看, 帮他安顿下来. It didn’t matter that many of the high school 学生 had attended FCS before — they included him from the very first day, 他交了一些很好的朋友!

Jaxen has been supported and guided throughout his transition by the administration and all of his teachers. Their high academic standards were indeed a shift from Jaxen’s previous educational experience. The online resources Fremont Christian has available to keep me in the loop as a parent are outstanding. From the ability to see assignments and grade reports to weekly emailed schedules — all of these allow me to be involved in Jaxen’s education.

到目前为止,Jaxen对他在弗里蒙特的基督教经历非常满意. 他在运动方面的信心增强了, 在学业上, 精神上也是如此——这才几个月! 我非常感谢弗里蒙特基督教会的全体员工, 学生, and families for making Jaxen’s freshman experience amazing and for welcoming our family into the FCS community.


We have been a part of the Fremont Christian School community for almost four years and couldn't be more pleased with the education that our tenth-grade child is receiving. 在另一所学校度过了学前班到六年级之后, 我们的儿子对搬家感到忧虑是可以理解的. However, within a month at FCS, he was excited about school and thanked us for making the switch.

学术是吸引我们的主要因素, 我们看到了儿子的巨大成长和新的兴趣领域, fostered by the excellent teaching staff and the varied opportunities offered at FCS. 期望很高,学生们能应付自如.

The academic emphasis is strong and is coupled with a staff that helps to develop each student's strengths and build their confidence, 与此同时,教授责任和责任. The smaller class sizes are a blessing and encourage a dynamic classroom environment our child thrives in.

FCS has proven a critical ally in continuing to help our son grow in his relationship with Christ. 他通过学习与同学们建立了联系, 体育, 还有课外活动. The dedication of the staff to the 学生' spiritual and academic growth is palpable. 我们全家都很幸运能来到FCS!



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